Click here to choose your country or region for shipping.

Where will the order be shipped from?

We will ship your order from our nearest warehouse in Europe and HongKong (China).

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When will I receive my order?

Delivering and processing times depend on the delivery method available in your region: Standard Delivery (2 business days processing time + 3–5 ...

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Why is my shipping fee more expensive compared to others?

Exact delivery cost is determined at the time of checkout and is based on operating costs, taxes, number of items, weight and volume of all the ite...

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Where do you deliver?

We only delivery to the countries listed below:  imoo Europe Store ( Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Cze...

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Why are shipping fee different in different countries?

The shipping fee is depending on your receipt address. If the delivery address is a remote area, the actual cost may be higher than usual.

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What should I do if my parcel is lost?

If you feel that your parcel is lost or missing, please contact We will carry out a full investigation to determine the next...

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What shipping method do you offer?

We offer two delivery options for you to choose at checkout: Standard and Priority. The listed delivery options and estimated delivery date can var...

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Why couldn’t I use my address when placing an order?

Please check your region on our website and select the country with which your address is associated.

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Why does the item disappear in my cart when I am about to check out?

If the product runs out of stock between adding it to the cart and checking out, that item will not appear on the order page.

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